
主演:大卫·鲍伊 艾莉莎·拉索斯基 


类型:剧情,恐怖,短片 英国 2015

时间:2024-03-05 06:03:55





The music video for "Blackstar" is a surreal ten-minute short film directed by Johan Renck (the director of The Last Panthers, the show for which the song was composed). It depicts a woman with a tail, played by Elisa Lasowski, discovering a dead astronaut and taking his jewel-encrusted skull to an ancient, otherworldly town. The astronaut's bones float toward an eclipse, while a circle of women perform a ritual with the skull in the town's centre.The film was shot in September 2015 in a studio in Brooklyn. The filmmaking process was highly collaborative, with Bowie making many suggestions and sending Renck sketches of ideas he wanted incorporated. While both men agreed to leave the video open to interpretation (Renck refused to confirm or deny that the astronaut in the video was Major Tom), Renck has offered several details regarding its meaning. It was Bowie who requested that the woman have a tail, his only explanation being "it's kind of sexual". Renck has speculated that Bowie may have been contemplating his own mortality and relevance to history while developing the video, but said that the crucified scarecrows were not intended as a messianic symbol. Renck has also stated that Bowie portrays three distinct characters in the video: the introverted, tormented, blind "Button Eyes"; the "flamboyant trickster" in the song's middle section; and the "priest guy" holding the book embossed with the "★" symbol. Saxophonist Donny McCaslin said that Bowie had told him the song was about ISIS, but a spokesperson for Bowie denied that the song was about the Middle East situation.The choreography, notably that of the three dancers featured in an attic sequence, was drawn from other media, including Max Fleischer's Popeye the Sailor cartoons. "[Bowie] sent me this old Popeye clip on YouTube and said, 'Look at these guys.' When a character is not active, when they’re inactive in these cartoons, they’re sort of created by these two or three frames that are loops so it looks like they’re just standing there, wobbling. It’s typical in those days of animation and stop-motion, you would do that to create life in something that was inactive. So we wanted to see if we could do something like this in the form of dance, we had to do that." The female dancer in the attic sequence also performs a signature movement from the "Fashion" music video.The video won Best Art Direction at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards.



一向偏爱穿越剧,徐峥和张庭的《穿越时空的爱恋》,胡歌和白冰的《神话》,都让我看得津津有味,古今人物之间的碰撞,总是有看不完的笑话,让人忍俊不禁。自从知道湖南卫视要播放新的穿越剧《宫》之后,我还是挺期待的,虽然两个男主角我都不太熟悉,但是女主角杨幂我还是蛮喜欢的,她那清新而灵动的眼神,总是能吸引我的目光。在片花中还看到有郭羡妮、邵美琪等TVB女星的精彩表演,虽然我个人觉得后宫勾心斗角的剧集以《金枝欲孽》已经到了顶峰,之后的我都不怎么看,但是这部综合了多种元素的剧集还是让我在晚上点准时调到了湖南卫视。 看了两天集,觉得这个编剧是不是太省事了,直接把《流星花园》的剧情原封不动地用上了,估计那些把芒果台流星雨当原版看的童鞋感触不深,但是对于我们看过台版《流星花园》的人来说,这不就是清代的《流星花园》吗?晴川对应杉菜,八阿哥对应道明寺,四阿哥对应花泽类,九阿哥、十阿哥对应西门和美作,而素言就对应那个被F欺负的李真,杉菜就是为了她而与F作对,最后被人恶整的。就连整蛊晴川的那两个宫女,所作所为也






去年网上开始炒作清宫穿越剧的时候,就觉得很没前途,穿越小说、漫画那么多,翻拍电视剧能出奇到哪里去。一点新意都没有。可是,就这么没新意,居然让杨幂红的不得了。虽然之前我还是挺看好这个妞儿的,长得俊,演《神雕》、《仙剑》时,就觉得不错,但是因为一部一点内涵都没有的穿越剧而走红,这到底是观众的审美品位、看片智商下降,还是芒果台炒作功夫了得?放假几天闲着无聊,把《宫》重头到尾看了一遍,果然是雷中极品啊~~~ 若不是因为里面的一大票俊男美女,真想把电脑砸了。剧情拧巴,逻辑不通,装疯卖傻。个人的赶脚,分明是把杨幂的大好形象给毁了么——看看洛晴川在现代时的表现,无责任女、没礼貌、犯迷糊,打扮还那么俗气,好像年代港台剧里的造型。还有让她走火入魔的那本小说《雍正皇帝》,怎么看都分明是盗版书籍嘛~ 拜托导演,作为一个穿越清朝熟知历史聪明伶俐的女猪脚,能不能让她看点儿有学问的书,表现得有气质点儿?好吧,反正在穿越剧里,女猪脚不管怎么脑残白痴,一穿越立马变成万事通、万人迷,不仅一扫在现代的迷糊劲儿,变得聪






星辰影视提供大卫·鲍伊:黑星完整版全集高清免费在线观看,大卫·鲍伊:黑星剧情介绍:The music video for "Blackstar" is a surreal ten-minute short film directed by Johan Renck (the dire...

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